Saturday, February 3, 2007

Stonehenge's Twin

Originally uploaded by mr.internationale.

Timber Shrine reveals Stonehenge Secret

The scientists have also established that a circle of concentric holes, once thought to have been the foundation of a covered structure, was actually a timber circle designed as counterpart to Stonehenge. From it, a ceremonial avenue leads to the River Avon, very similar to another at Stonehenge.

At Stonehenge, the circle and walls line up with sunrise at the midsummer solstice and sunset at the midwinter solstice, while at Durrington Wells they frame the midwinter solstice sunrise and the midsummer solstice sunset. “There is a single pattern of movement,” Dr Thomas said. “One is permanent, one is transient; one is stone, one is wood.”

The twin avenues connecting each monument to the river suggest that each was used by worshippers moving from one site to the other. The Durrington Walls timber circle’s foundation holes are filled with what appear to be offerings of food and pottery, further suggesting that the circle was always designed to decay.

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