Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Should I?

Should I?
Originally uploaded by Lars Petersen.

Oh this is too cute.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Follow Me Venus!
Originally uploaded by Hamed Saber.

woke the primrose
upon eight and thirty this morning
a sagacious bunch composed.
draught seekers,
sought for bumble bees and big words

seldom a thought for the water
In the fishbowl
its all around us.
little tricks and tickles and
backdrop nuances
so green, verdant
repository of self.

is this my mother - ?
the spider on the seat
in the air a heat.
pull it up and out
this song in my spine
a traitor's lever against time
all that is mine.
all that ever was.
where we are all our seekers

yet it couldn't be neater,
in every separate box
cross out, feel safer
too much to come together.

oh lark, oh travis
meet us at the base and we'll
make a mark for the precipice
a tanner leather
hold the note
the lights echoes chaos

dig deeper, float it
to the surface
make it sweeter
i love i love i love
ever deeper

back to the tent, the fire, the prayer
ever grateful, a fertile season
each slag and chalice exalts
asherah and mate.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Friday, June 8, 2007


The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited part of yourself. It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.

Your main internal blockage is fear. It is said "Spiritual people should be happy", but you say to yourself, "Oh... I can't be happy because...(insert current fear-oriented excuse here!). Your fear keeps you from seeing the joy and happiness in your life.

The solution is for you to work on your eighth body and so become totally fearless in dealing with anything that life sends your way. Once you experience that you and God are one and the same, all fear departs.

If you connect yourself to your Soul, you will experience your Infinite Identity. Your highest identity lies in experiencing the Infinity within each finite thing, and sharing that experience with others. Your creative essence is to be a healer.

Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with others.

A Karma of 11 means that your Karma is set. All you have to do is just keep up and go through it gracefully. You feel that you have no mastery of the physical realm, and so you tend to worry about money, your physical looks, and things like that. You want the prettiest car and the prettiest clothes and tend to be quite concerned about how others see you.

Your test in this life is to master the physical realm and experience your own perfection. If you leave your neurotic self-identity, and establish your Infinite identity, then you will KNOW your own Divinity and Royalty, and so you will drive the prettiest car and wear the prettiest clothes not because of what others think of you, but because you have the highest opinion of YOURSELF. The solution is to remember the Infinity in the midst of all life situations.

This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!

The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.

Your gift is Fearlessness.

This gift will give you the ability to plan ahead and to help others to get ahead as well. It will enable you to serve many people because it brings with it boundless energy. Your gift will allow you to keep up through every obstacle of life and never quit.

If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, nothing can ever stop you from achieving your goals. The more you work on yourself, the more your gift will manifest.

The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.

People tend to see you as someone who is very competent and masterful in every situation. You find it easy to learn new systems and things very quickly because you have worked on mastering things for many lifetimes.

Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else will work out naturally.

The key to the fulfillment of your destiny in this lifetime is for you to live in a state of absolute royal courage and radiance! It is through your fearlessness, radiance and projection that others will be inspired to the divinity within themselves and you yourself will thereby become fulfilled.

Find yours here.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Victoria veritatis est caritas

Night butterflies
Originally uploaded by Pouchkinette.

"Nothing conquers except truth and the victory of truth is love" -Augustine of Hippo

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Saturn in Leo - This Explains SO MUCH!

Daily Horoscope Wednesday, May 9, 2007

You Lions have been tested ever since Saturn entered your sign in July, 2005. Even if you have already been through major transition, your current actions will still have important ramifications over the weeks ahead. Consider the tasks before you; if you are trying to take on too much, you may be forced to let go. Make adjustments now by taking cues from reality before it's too late.

From Llewellyn Journal.com

About every thirty years, the taskmaster Saturn (a.k.a. the Lord of Karma) visits you. This year he is paying a call to our Leo friends, those born July 23 - August 22. He will knock on their door July 17th and enjoy an extended stay until September 2007. Are you ready to let him in? Will he be a welcome visitor or the house guest from hell? You better get used to him because Saturn is here to stay...for a while anyway. But what does matter is how you prepare for his arrival and stay. It can be very unpleasant or the most amazing two years you’ve ever had.

Saturn is a teacher. He challenges us to do more with our lives. He tests us to make us stronger. Saturn’s lesson for every one may be different, it all depends on what your soul needs to learn. Usually you are given three tests over the course of the two years he visits. The first test is kind of an introduction to the problem or issue you are supposed to deal with. By the time the second test is given, you should come up with a game plan and be prepared to take action. If you have not resolved an issue, learned a karmic lesson or changed something in your life that needs changing, the third test is very difficult. You could feel overwhelmed. But Saturn is not a heavy handed, bad guy. He will reward you greatly for a job well done and lessons learned. If you meet each test and challenge that comes, there are wonderful benefits at the end of this cycle.

Most of the time, we hang onto things that are no longer necessary in our life; perhaps a dead end job, a bad marriage, a poor self esteem and the like. Saturn wants to help you get rid of what is holding back to make room for better things in your life. I remember counseling a Pisces woman years ago when Saturn was in her sign. I told her of the opportunities for growth with Saturn. Growth, that is, if she were willing to make changes in her life. I also counseled her on the downside of Saturn; if she wasn’t willing to make changes, life could be a roller coaster ride for over two years. She contacted me years later to thank me for counseling her how to deal with Saturn. She said the last few years were the best of her life! She learned so much and was able to become a better and more spiritual person.

Saturn in Leo will affect all of us in some way. No matter what sign you are, you will learn a lesson pertinent to the area of your astrological chart that Leo falls in. Because many of my readers may not know a lot about astrology and even what their rising sign is, I have compiled a list of how Saturn will affect every sun sign. If you do know your rising sign, please read that too.

Aries - Saturn wants to teach you about responsibility to children. Some of you may get pregnant this year. Others who have children may be spending a great deal of time and energy on them. Love affairs will also be highlighted. You will learn a great deal about affairs of the heart. New relationships may enter your life to help teach you these lessons. You will feel as if there is no time for fun. So your lesson is to do more of a balancing act between work and play. Safeguard investments. This is not a time to gamble or take unnecessary risks with money.

Taurus - You will be learning a great deal about your home and family. Many of you may want to move or put down roots. For others, it will be a time of responsibility to your family. There may be concern for an older parent or the need to take care of a child. On a spiritual level, this is a time to heal old family wounds and the inner child. Family First will be the motto. However, you may feel torn between career demands and your spouse and kids. So you will have to do a balancing act and change you schedule so you have the ability to spend quality time with those you love.

Gemini - The way you think and communicate is changing a great deal. You will look at life quite differently as your viewpoint changes. There will be a serious tone to your personality. You will learn to be responsible for the things you say and how you say them. Contracts and negotiations will be important. You may have some car trouble. Disagreements and sibling rivalry could also come up but give you the opportunity to grow closer to brothers and sisters as well.

Cancer - You will learn how to squeeze a dollar out of dime, how to do more with less and that money isn’t everything. This is a time in your life in which you will come to understand security isn’t about money, but it comes from within. Some of you may be making large purchases like a home or buying a business. You will be very tenacious about paying off debt and learning how the Law of Prosperity works.

Leo - With Saturn on your sun sign, you will be called to make changes in just about every area of your life that needs fixin’ Do not be afraid because the universe wants to bring you everything your deserve. If you have laid good foundations and karma, this period could be a time of great reward. However, if you still have lessons, now is the time you learn them and become a bigger person because of it. Look at this period as a blessing...a time to make your life all that it can be. If you allow changes to happen, things go well. If you fight them, there will be more challenges to overcome. Let go and let be!

Virgo - During this period you will be able to let go of many subconscious old wounds, fears and issues that you have repressed for years. This is a great time of healing. Some of the issues you may not want to relive or face, but you have no choice, as they are bubbling to the top of the surface and it is time to deal with them. Once this period is over, you will feel like a new person and as if nothing will ever hold you back. People from your past may waltz back into your life that you need to make amends with or they, you. This is a healing karmic time. Embrace it.

Libra - You discover the true meaning of friendship during this cycle. There may be negative relationships dissolving and positive ones taking their place. This is the time you recognize who your true friends are! It is also very likely you will be working within a group situation where your diplomatic nature will come in very handy. Some Libra will be placed in new work situations that involve working with many people on a project or goal. The lesson is to learn to work with different personally types and through their differences.

Scorpio - Saturn will actually be a major blessing in your life now, especially if you have worked hard the past fourteen years and laid a solid foundation with your career. Now is the time for the big reward. You may find your dream job. It is likely that Scorpio will be given more responsibility than ever. You will have to prove yourself worthy of getting the position and then work hard for the time Saturn is in Leo and then you may rest on your laurels. Don’t you feel as if you are on the verge of a major change with your career? I know you do. It’s almost here!

Sagittarius - These next two years will be a period of great enlightenment. Your beliefs, convictions, ideas and even religion may change.You are seeking a higher truth to your everyday existence and just may find it. For some of you, more education is needed to further your career which will reach peak in late 2007 - 2009. Now is the time to take classes and update your knowledge as much as you can. At work, your reputation may be challenged but if you have laid good karma in the past, there is nothing to worry about. Changes with authority figures, bosses and older relatives may be a source of concern now, but your biggest lesson is spiritual growth.

Capricorn - Other people’s money, joint resources and money owed to you, will be part of the big Saturn lesson for you This is a period in which you will not to be able to depend on other outside sources of income as much. So plan ahead. For example if you own rental property, the renters may move out. Your mate may be unemployed for a while. You will learn to depend on yourself and your own ability to make money. Also this is time you are being called on to pay off debts, maybe financial and karmic. Therefore this period should be looked at in a positive way to settle any scores and make things right.

Aquarius - Saturn will teach you about relationships both romantic and professional. In fact, relationships of all kinds will be tested. The strong ones will weather the storms and become stronger than ever before. The weak ones, may end. Your needs are changing too in regards to love. What you needed a mere six month ago or six years ago has changed. People in your life need to accept these changes as they are now a prominent part of who you are. If single, you could meet someone very special during this cycle that you will want to make a commitment with, possibly your soul mate. If attached, the union will face some tough challenges to determine if it can stand the test of time.

Pisces - This is one of your biggest weight loss cycles! If you have been working hard at losing weight, Saturn will help you and give you the discipline you need. This is also a time to get all of the little tasks and projects done that you’ve put off. If you have health problems crop up, now would be the time to work on fixing them. You will also be learning how to find a neutral ground among coworkers. There may be more work placed on your desk than others. But don’t be discouraged because the hard work you do during this Saturn transit will not go unnoticed by late 2007.

I mentioned earlier in the article about preparing for Saturn’s visit. Now that you know what lessons you may be asked to learn, what should you do in preparation. Simplify your life. Remove any negativity and get rid of any irritations or potential problems now. You have the power of free will to create any kind of life your heart desires. Saturn will give your discipline to work hard at achieving goals and then reward you!

Maria Shaw is the author of eight books and a celebrity astrologer who specializes in relationships. She is the horoscope columnist for Soap Opera Digest, Complete Woman and TigerBeat magazines. She’s appeared on many daytime talk shows, Fox News, VH1, Oxygen Channel, NBC and The TV Guide Channel. Her weekly radio talk show “Affairs of the Heart” receives rave reviews. Watch for her new book with Llewellyn, Soul Mates and Hot Dates, coming out in August.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Lions trees sky rainbow Bean.

Originally uploaded by Eric Perrone.

Mistaken. Maybe. Not much.
Twinkle lights. Rainbow pants.
When the egg drops my heart stops.
Now now. A sea plane.
Too much chocolate coffee.
A maven.
Is just fine. A fine line. Pollinate.
Whatever kid. A time, a season.

See this is refusal: defensiveness.
Calm it down to something closer.
Something like acceptance.

A strong need, a calling. Leave it wanting.
I’ll go out sharking.
Here dissolves another month.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Thursday, May 3, 2007


okay kid, how about this? let's not write anything or put anything out into the universe that isn't just wonderful goodness. so no need to talk about sad or frustrated or whatever because it only is useful in perpetuating those things. so even if you need to be SILENT for a couple months until you get the hang of this lovingness of self and happiness. yeah, it really is in there you're just not paying it much attention! okay then so good. let's tie a big bow and give a farewell party to any yuckiness or insecurities. bye. see ya. sayonara.

hello Joy. hello happy. hello content. hello gratitude. hello thankful. hello love. hello power.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

opposite of light

vague and shadow. trouble. render. a faded member. not right from left. unseen. shadow. a second body. disembodied. recognize. regulate. the fear, the trauma. written in time. these are not my ancestors. these are not me as martyr. i bite and crumble. never wonder. stinging words hate the counterpart. not your fault. the Other. a useless drama. oncoming traffic. short small words safer than what is behind them. a shadow presence. show down. i will not let you live. a small comfort. given up. give it up. a passing moment. onto the next.

Monday, April 16, 2007


vertigo, dizzy, dizziness. ah! i took a ferry last week on wednesday and since then i've been dizzy on land. not terribly, not to the point where i'm feeling sick. (well, as long as i'm not in a car.) just dizzy enough to feel slightly off balance. okay so not too terrible just slightly annoying. maybe if i don't think about it it will go away. it just seems weird to me that five days later i still feel like i'm walking on a boat at sea. ;)

Thursday, April 12, 2007


oh my lovelies, darling freck.
learn a lesson.
a speck a second.
tell me. tell you.
tell every thing that can see.
give witness; magnificence.

brew and boil, stew and toil.
we work each day at these pursuits.
brick by solid brick.

and i can see an eye.
and i can see a child.
and i can see time down the path.

moths, distractions.
i melt them.
consumed in fire that is my simple smile.
oh heaven, let them.
my sparkle eye remembers.

love to blood to skin to essence.
breathe our breath life, no hestitance.
tend the ember.
beauty girl soul,
a chosen creation of consequence.

brick, walk,
hold a steady resonance
as days are readied.

their light i see, jasper
welcome abundance.
these words a totem; a spell, i cast it.

lavender skies

lavendar skies
Originally uploaded by jaki good.

so this is purple. or is it pink. or maybe blue. nope, definitely purple. and i am absolutely not color blind!


full of vitality
Originally uploaded by alikana.

this little baby reminds me of another little baby. well, not so much a baby as a baby soul. some of us are younger than others, even if our physical age speaks to the contrary. it can be seen in the eyes. and in the gait. oh little baby kid. it's okay.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

i have been that brother

you will notice vaguely. the marked difference between society and further, more liminal beings. a strident walk. happenstance. a round about succulence. rejected. stuttered. i have been that brother.

at some point you may notice. maybe, at some point, remember. on a regular basis. that which is outside. that which is within. that which is but one. never separate. but one. reticulated.

and the struggle in your mind between war and wisdom. between us and them. between you and me. softens. fades to gray. lessens the tightness which constricts a heart from feeling and an eye from seeing.

the reality of our endeavor. needing each other. needing each other. i have been that brother.

Monday, April 2, 2007


through the open window i find a door.
and there a hunt for a light switch in a room with wood paneling
a silver tea set.
my uncle's tractor.
i've seen this before.
i've known us before.
the inn by the roadside
lobster and telephone booths.
can you take this walk with me
our daughter's heart fills my reverie

sand dollars and the tide returns
fills the car
someone is listening

walk this waking
each breath i know you
and remember again
what i knew before.

and that which i do not understand now
will become clear in time
a tigresse
somewhat set in confusion

clearly ride out illusions
want my walks want
clearly my path
knows what is right

nose twitches
several severance riches
a talk, a moment, hold the tongue which maims
a body of work lain
light of my life lead on

a quiet walk, verite
sublime wonder

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Originally uploaded by konaboy.

happy girl. woke happy and calm. even my hair is happy.

from sunday:

baby girl in the forest behind my eyes.
never a dull moment
lovely mother inspires
a breath
a light
a birth
a fire
when we are in the days of carrying water
hold this sound to my chest
raise this praise high
may we never run dry

and the echoes in my hour
jump a second lever
take what is told
send the waters
my sisters, serve each other

inhabit this life which is yours
a gift, a treasure
each day a page, a letter, a lesson
symbols and stand ins
whatever for
from crown through the heavens
send this love to our brethren.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

let's go where the water flows

let's go where the water flows
Originally uploaded by jcroldan.

This picture was taken by someone "Pantano de José Torán, La Puebla de los Infantes, Sevilla, España" but looks like the resevoir which can be seen from my Uncle's property in Valley Springs, CA.

I want to go there this summer when it is hot and listen to the rattlesnakes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Friday, March 9, 2007

in between

in between
Originally uploaded by stoneth.

like me, when i'm quiet,
quiet with you.
neither here nor there;
suspended and timeless.

listen to a breath that carries with it a peace.
sure tranquility, sigh
and levy.
nothing much more than reverie.
keeping me,
keep me,
keep us there.

and all my moments are the times
in between.
between the moments i count
and keep from the scorecard.

drifting in a sanctioned medium.
a silent ethereal base nectar.
fills my counter’s countenance.

our heavens collide.
or merely brush together.
push back.
push back.
a metered measure.

sunrise born at your leisure.
yours mine ours,

Thursday, March 8, 2007


slow it down. focus. out and up. focus. look where you are going. the higher purpose. remember.

Lady Spring

wiosna, wiosna, WIOSNA, ACH TO TY! - Lady Spring
Originally uploaded by olazagozda.

my dress. well not mine yet. ;)

the source

A tailor, a maiden. A jester.

A Quest, sir.

Tell me a story, write me a book.

One look. One look.

Come back to center, the stars shine their luster.

A universal scepter.

A mother, One Love, Her, oooh, ahhh,


Take the time, a moment.

You knows I,

I spoke it.

Take it slow and simmer.

Before their hearts grow dimmer.

Uproot the treacherous succession

Bring it back, the cosmic lesson.

Pull stop push forth get in it.

We've got a mark, a hero, she's in it.

Voices rising, One, All.

Live it.

Break it down , the breakdown.

Break it down, take it back, lay it down.

Take back, share it

What is Ours

The Source.

oh the goodness

wait a minute, take a second. let it settle. let it hit where it needs to. the point. the point. i hear it. feel it. make it greater. make it better. my life returns to me, let's try to keep a focus.

Friday, March 2, 2007

A moment in the morning

A moment in the morning
Originally uploaded by liveanoptimisticlife.

filled with the Spirit.
filled with the Spirit.
breathing gently and
filled with the Spirit.

A Jedi Training Experience in Psychic Self Defense


So I haven't read all of this yet but I want to and will book mark it here.

Friday, February 23, 2007

be free

every friday night starts the saga of the Camps.
who is where and how big can we make them.
along the beach the fires glow
but in the city it is the sounds you know.
i miss the beats, been so long since i danced.
and i am in sequestered with a cold.
and will try once again to draw blood from a rock.
or is it water.
any reaction some sense of reciprocity.
it has been six months
but know really i should just walk away.
cuz it will be the day i die or hell freezes over, or pigs fly, before a certain someone GETS what i'm trying to say.
but it doesn't matter
because certain sets are so noble
and unfeeling
and logical
and will never know
that what is right in front of them
may up and leave
if the truth is not spoken
say it
sooner rather than later
it may be gone
the end
what is the use of holding back
or waiting
when tomorrow is not promised
all we have is today

do you get what i'm talking about here man?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

fire the firmament

And at this hour. I know the answer. The answer as it is shown to me. Further from my pen. Further from my hand. Than the clouds at somerset. These days the halo hangs low. Drooping somewhere between twilight and inertia. On a day when the details don't matter and all existential trivalties are far removed from any reality that may visit me. These days torment. These days sullen. These days beautiful. No dauphin in sight. A deserted jet stream. Haunted reverie. My cat jaded and tearing at her whiskers. Oh child. Oh harmony. Vibrato and harmonics. A child's wavering timber - the dulcets. Walk away. Wake a minute. Roll and carry a rondelay. Months upon months upon days laid down in education. Each song, every lesson, moments, snapshots, memories. Too much significance for one with such great reverance. Turn away. Insignificant. Unnoticed. Turn away. Shelter. A permanence.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

i know which way the wind blows

I am part of the sun
as my eye is part of me.
That I am part of the earth
my feet know perfectly,
and my blood is part of the sea.
There is nothing of me that is alone and absolute,
except my mind,
and we shall find that the mind has no existence
by itself, it is only
the glitter of the sun
on the surface of the waters.

D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

a still and quiet conscience

a still and quiet conscience
Originally uploaded by roujo.

needing more quiet. more stillness. more okayness with the quietness and stillness. getting there.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

La Bayadere

La Bayadere
Originally uploaded by parmat.


is the usual English translation of the Arabic term jinni, but it is not an Anglicized form of the Arabic word, as is commonly thought. The English word comes from French génie, which meant a spirit of any kind, which in turn came from Latin genius, which meant a sort of tutelary or guardian spirit thought to be assigned to each person at birth (see genius). But this has nothing to do with the jinn of Islam, as this might suggest. The Latin word predates the Arabic word jinni, and the two terms have not been shown to be related. The first recorded use of the word in English was in 1655 as geny, with the Latin meaning. The French translators of the Arabian Nights later used the word génie as a translation of jinni because it was similar to the Arabic word both in sound and in meaning; this meaning was also picked up in English and has since become dominant.

Amongst archeologists dealing with ancient Middle Eastern cultures, any mythological spirit lesser than a god is often referred to as a "genie", especially when describing stone reliefs or other forms of art. This practice draws on the original meaning of the term genie for simply a spirit of any sort.


In Arabic mythology, any of the supernatural spirits less powerful than angels or devils. Evil spirits of air or fire, they could take animal or human form and could dwell in inanimate objects or under the earth. They had the bodily needs of human beings and could be killed but were otherwise free of physical restraints. Jinn delighted in punishing humans for any harm done to them, but people who knew the proper magical procedure could exploit them to their own advantage. The jinn were popular subjects for folklore, notably in the tale of Aladdin in The Thousand and One Nights.
For more information on jinni, visit Britannica.com.

gen·ius (jēn'yəs) pronunciation
n., pl. -ius·es.

1. Extraordinary intellectual and creative power.
2. A person of extraordinary intellect and talent: “One is not born a genius, one becomes a genius” (Simone de Beauvoir).
3. A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140.
1. A strong natural talent, aptitude, or inclination: has a genius for choosing the right words.
2. One who has such a talent or inclination: a genius at diplomacy.
3. The prevailing spirit or distinctive character, as of a place, a person, or an era: the genius of Elizabethan England.
4. pl. ge·ni·i (jē'nē-ī'). Roman Mythology. A tutelary deity or guardian spirit of a person or place.
5. A person who has great influence over another.
6. A jinni in Muslim mythology.

[Middle English, guardian spirit, from Latin.]

Genius - Mythology
In Roman mythology, every man had a genius and every woman a juno (Juno was also the name for the queen of the gods).
This aureus of Hadrian shows the Genius of the circus.
This aureus of Hadrian shows the Genius of the circus.

Originally, the genius/juno were ancestors who guarded over their descendants. Over time, they turned into personal guardian spirits, granting intellect and prowess. Sacrifices were made to one's genius/juno on one's birthday.

The juno was worshipped under many titles:

* Iugalis - protected marriage
* Matronalis - protected married women
* Pronuba - protected the bride
* Virginalis - protected virginity

In addition to each genius/juno of individuals, regions, families, households and cities had a genius. The genius of the Roman race was a winged, naked youth. The genii dedicated to places were usually depicted as snakes.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Catherine Runs

run away. when it all comes back down to. attention. need. care. done. need care need. oh how much space and time and air. not enough air. not enough. enough! too much worry. too much resistance. too much me. too much. save.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

devil's workday - modest mouse

and now its another genius, another collector of pens
and seemingly random and inconsequential thoughts
pooled together and established
not to be confused with
Assimilated or

Hot water gets HOTTER
by the second
Cold coffee fuels that which cannot be mentioned


unintentional manipulations

The name of the Game:
Who is in YOUR head

Are you welcome or do you Trespass

[Printed Job 666 today]
oh by the way
what are the odds

or mail inadvertently going to MCC, addressed to 666 3rd Street, San Rafael
and the week before she had a meeting at
666 3rd Ave, NYC
oh how precise the post office isn't

stay in. keep your hats on. all pieces and body parts inside the vehicle at all times. Hello cat. Hello whiskers. Find yourself some mental health. Don't forget to write. Don't forget to write. Look when no one is looking. My brain in a bottle. Blue clouds - whats the matter. Every which way. Which way is hear. Near. Nearly Here. All of it means all of u. Jogging. Along. Can you hear my song. Devilish deceptors. I forgot my projector. His reality a manifestation of the collective conscience/consciousness. Okay kids. what does that tell us. What are we thinking. And why. Reason. Treason. Manifest your reasons. Love you. Love me. Love what you like. The rest of it. What cycle. Where's the battle. Why the struggle.


and as for that...palinode...

i sense further treachery or shenanigans...the word of the day on my google homepage for WEEKS has been "palinode".

A palinode or palinody is an ode in which the writer retracts a view or sentiment expressed in an earlier poem. The first recorded use of a palinode is in a poem by Stesichorus in the 7th century BC. Here he retracts his earlier statement that the Trojan War was all the fault of Helen.

The word comes from the Greek παλιν ("palin", meaning 'again') and ωδη ("song"); the Latin equivalent "recantation" is an exact calque ("re-" meaning 'again' and "cant-" meaning 'sing').

It can also be a recantation of a defamatory statement in Scots Law.

However, today, when I clicked on "palinode" it led me to a merriam-webster word of the day. Okay kids. WTF. I hope you freaking COMPUTER SCIENCE nerds are getting a good chuckle at your brilliance. For your benefit and amusement I will continue along as if I have not CAUGHT ON.

The Word of the Day for February 06, 2007 is:

metadata • \met-uh-DAY-tuh\ • noun
: data that provides information about other data

Example Sentence:

The word processing program also tracks and saves metadata such as the author of the document and how many copies have been printed.

Did you know?

It's easy to find data on the source of "metadata": the word was formed by combining "data" with "meta-," which means "transcending" and is often used to describe a new but related discipline designed to deal critically with the original one. "Meta-" was first used in that way in "metaphysics" and has been extended to a number of other disciplines, giving us such words as "metapsychology" and "metamathematics." "Metadata" takes the "transcending" aspect a step further, applying it to the concept of pure information instead of a discipline. "Metadata" is a fairly new word (it first appeared in print in 1983), whereas "data" can be traced back to the middle of the 17th century.

i summon you

not that it matters...but sometimes i get a sense...now maybe it's paranoia...maybe i'm psychic...maybe my brain is in a vat somewhere...maybe i'm a stepford wife...maybe the mind control is run by aliens from the future...maybe i've seen too many moveis or not enough...maybe oh maybe oh maybe...not that it matters...and its just a coincidence that i see visions in what i hear when my ipod is on "random all"...which mirrors my frame of mind...or i'm just picking up on randomness and putting my own reason to it...or there are angels responsible...or maybe its just me...

redemption song
one more robot/sympathy 3000-21
better version of me
all we have is now
mellon collie and the infinite sadness
i summon you


Remember the weight of the world
It’s a sound that we used to buy
On cassette and 45
And now this little girl
She says will we make it at all
800 miles is a drive

Yeah you got the weight of the world coming down like a mother’s eye
And all that you can
All that you can give is a cold goodbye
The law enforcement’s impressed you’ve survived to this age
Strapped-up soldiers
They’ll lock you in a cage without a goodbye
For a nickel bribe
But aww no where are you tonight
And how’d we get here
It’s too late to break it off
I need a release
The signal’s a cough
But that don’t get me off
I summon you to appear my love
Got the weight of the world
I summon you here my love

Remember the weight of the world
It’s a sound that we used to buy
And all that you can
All that you can give is a cold goodbye
The law enforcement’s impressed you’ve survived to this age
Strapped-up soldiers
They’ll lock you in a cage without a goodbye
For a nickel bribe
But aww no where are you tonight
And how’d we get here
It’s too late to break it off
I need a release
The signal’s a cough
But that don’t get me off
I summon you to appear my love
Got the weight of the world
I summon you here my love
The signal’s a cough but that don’t get me off
I summon you here my love

big kitty - awestruck

Mmmm Lickin the chops
Originally uploaded by tammyjq41.


like lightening strikes
minding my business
-do unto others-
doing and done
wrap up in a head dress
keep it safe till it is
today is promised
tomorrow belongs to me.

giving up the ghosts
tomorrow belongs to me
walking the nervous paths
of recoiling passions
every moment a miracle.
a testament to my strength
keep calm while

Monday, February 5, 2007

. c h o o s e _ l i f e

. c h o o s e _ l i f e
Originally uploaded by frozenquack.


madness, insanity, barely a drop. these days. so much. so little. the time. keeps moving. keep moving. oh the details and the derelicts. the madness. insanity. i can feel the gray clouded city in my veins. in my blood. thump thump. no use getting in a funk just because the truth is mud. information taken and assessed. what will one do with all this useless knowledge. free will and time ceasing. take a breath. a deep one. oh the madness. some days better than others. the film of reality glazes me over. glazes me over.

just a few more days until he who grounds me is here. and we will laugh. and cry. and i will not die this week. the world will not end before i see him again.

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Find stregth in yourself little one.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Stonehenge's Twin

Originally uploaded by mr.internationale.

Timber Shrine reveals Stonehenge Secret

The scientists have also established that a circle of concentric holes, once thought to have been the foundation of a covered structure, was actually a timber circle designed as counterpart to Stonehenge. From it, a ceremonial avenue leads to the River Avon, very similar to another at Stonehenge.

At Stonehenge, the circle and walls line up with sunrise at the midsummer solstice and sunset at the midwinter solstice, while at Durrington Wells they frame the midwinter solstice sunrise and the midsummer solstice sunset. “There is a single pattern of movement,” Dr Thomas said. “One is permanent, one is transient; one is stone, one is wood.”

The twin avenues connecting each monument to the river suggest that each was used by worshippers moving from one site to the other. The Durrington Walls timber circle’s foundation holes are filled with what appear to be offerings of food and pottery, further suggesting that the circle was always designed to decay.

Friday, February 2, 2007


Originally uploaded by stoneth.


(homeless man, sf, 2/1/07)

he's down a path that ends abruptly. i hear him first. exaltation or fear. it's unclear. but there's a rhythm to it.

it's a court and a spotlight if i approach. he's spread on the concrete. sounding wild. looking forward but not seeing.

i pass.

but i think better. or worse. and return unsure.

it's narrow and direct as i take the course. i'm watched and then stopped.

he yells at how i come. and raises two fingers. peace. i raise my own and say "i do"

and i ask if i can take his picture.

but then i'm ignored as i join some audience. and he starts a long strange scat punctuated by abrupt clicks and long pauses. there are no words.

and then he stops and says "yes you can take my picture; do you have a release?"

i tell him i don't. at which he raises his two fingers again and says "we can use this." i do the same.

and now he begins to sing. of the northern and southern hemispheres and of men.

he says he is the original human and he has a sacred duty. he says his name is "SALBA". he says it roundly and repeats it. he says that he lives on planet earth and was born in san francisco.

and then he yells about me for some time over his right shoulder. and then returns to me.

he says he was in his third trimester in his mother's womb when the U.S. bombed nagasaki. just as he was becoming human. and that he passed them on his landing. he's caught by something overwhelming as he says this. like he's yelling in silence. like the whole of him is clenched in a fist. like he's washed in a great sadness.

he asks me if i'm awake in my dreams. i tell him that i am sometimes.

"and what do you do?"

but i am unsure. he presses.

i tell him i try to act; try to control; that i try to consciously interact with people; but that it's hard; so mostly i just observe.

he asks if i ever touch them.

and i say that i guess so.

he tells me that next time i should touch those i meet in my dreams and say to them "awake! awaken!"

he says his thing is structures; not people. he touches structures and says to them as i'm to say.

then he says "do that for me"

i tell him i will.

we strike fists and he smiles for a quiet moment. but as i leave there's wildness and noise.

(sign up for newsletter) (view feb '07 newsletter)

Uploaded by stoneth on 2 Feb '07, 12.06am PST.

Order of Constantine

The Angelici were an ancient order of knighthood for priests and laymen, founded in 1191 by Byzantine Emperor Isaac Angelus.

They were divided into three classes, but were all under the direction of one Grand Master. The first were called Torquati, from a collar which they wore, and were fifty in number. The second were called the Knights of Justice, and were ecclesiastics. The third were called Knights Servitors.

Justiniani will have this order to have been instituted in the year 313, by Constantine, and supposes the occasion thereof to have been the appearance of an angel to that emperor, with the sign of a cross and the words, "In hoc signo vinces" ("In this sign you shall conquer"). However, that there was such a thing as a ny military order in those days is merely a fable.

The Angelici were also called the Order of Constantine, the Golden Knights, and Saint George.

Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus[1] (27 February 27222 May 337), commonly known as Constantine I, Constantine the Great, or (among Eastern Christians of Byzantine tradition)[2] Saint Constantine, was a Roman Emperor, proclaimed Augustus by his troops on July 25, 306 and who ruled an ever-growing portion of the Roman Empire until his death.

Constantine is best remembered in modern times for the Edict of Milan in 313, which bestowed imperial favor on Christianity in the Empire, for the first time. He was not, however, the first to legalize the practice of Christianity in the Empire. Galerius was the first emperor to issue an edict of toleration for all religious creeds including Christianity in April of 311.[3]

In 324 Constantine announced his decision to transform Byzantium into Nova Roma and in 330 he officially proclaimed the city (thereby known as Constantinople, i.e. The City of Constantine) as the new capital of the Roman Empire.

Constantine is also remembered for the Council of Nicaea in 325; these actions are considered major factors in the spreading of the Christian religion. His reputation as the "first Christian Emperor" has been promulgated by historians from Lactantius and Eusebius of Caesarea to the present day, although there has been debate over the veracity of his faith. This debate stems from his continued support for pagan deities and the fact that he was baptized very close to his death.[4]

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Thao - what a freck(le)

Originally uploaded by grinnner.

nope, this is not my eye, but someone else i came across...but darn is that ever like looking in the mirror.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

yup, there, i've said it.

let's go. my love. now that i've let go. what i know. what i need to know. on a need to know basis. trust. love. faith, trust pixie dust. i've confessed my fears. expressed my desires. what i need is now what i want. love. friendship. flowers. a garden. kitties. babies. to love and take care of those i love. support the man i love in what he does and make it better. to not think so much. trust him. trust time. trust myself. love. love. love. everything in its time and place.

why has my cousin changed her gmail status from "flaming catharsis" to "minion"? this is the last quesiton i have this evening. everything else is answered.

Today's Horoscope Leo
Hidden fears and repressed pain can come to the surface and have a positive impact on your closest relationships. This won't happen accidentally; it will require intention on your part. You must take the first step in order to give voice to what is holding you back. Keep your communication focused on what you know to be real, for speculative thinking can lead you astray. Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Refusing what you are given
You want things to be the old way
Resisting the revolutions
Changes are coming anyway

Unable to thrive to change
The mask doesn't veil anymore
Strip yourself of all your riddles
Do not reject all the lessons

You're not a child anymore
You're not your former self
And what's reality now?
The tools you've used to get by
Aren't the keys to your tomorrows

The wind is blowing
The sea is shifting
The storm is rumbling
Darkness descending
The gales are sweeping
The waves threatening
Horizon is grim
Tempest arriving

Hey skipper, look ahead, navigate
Hey skipper, look ahead, navigate
Hey skipper, use your head, manoeuvre
Hey skipper, look ahead, navigate

Oh the winds can blow but
your sails can defeat it
The storms may rumble,
we all know your hull is fit

That sea is rough now
Mind you do not slip
Could destroy your ship
Put a nail in it

When darkness descends,
Your radar will be your sight
The waves may unleash,
your mast will stay standing high

You are the captain
Do you feel equipped?
You have now taken
The helm of your ship.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

i had a dream...

i had a dream...
Originally uploaded by zenog.

In the Age of the Old Soul

I do not choose to dream; there cometh on me
Some strange old lust for deeds.
As to the nerveless hand of some old warrior
The sword-hilt or the war-worn wonted helmet
Brings momentary life and long-fled cunning,
So to my soul grown old -
Grown old with many a jousting, many a foray,
Grown old with namy a hither-coming and hence-going -
Till now they send him dreams and no more deed;
So doth he flame again with might for action,
Forgetful of the council of elders,
Forgetful that who rules doth no more battle,
Forgetful that such might no more cleaves to him
So doth he flame again toward valiant doing.

Ezra Pound

Japanese plum

Japanese plum
Originally uploaded by hamapenguin.

spring is springing. rather early it looks like!!

oh here we go...

You may not be able to enjoy yourself today until you finish your work. However, don't look for a parent figure to tell you what to do. There is no threat of punishment, but if you don't do what you must, no one else will either. Be sensible and keep to yourself as long as you are making progress.

January 29, 2007

The Impossible Dream
Right In Front Of You

When it comes to the things we want, there always seems to be an endless list. No matter how many times we get something off that list, we add new things to replace it. In life, this drama of wanting and getting and wanting is all part of the dance. The things we want motivate us to get up and get them.

And yet, at the same time, we can torment ourselves with our wanting, especially when we want something we can't have or can't find. It is in cases like these that it might be fruitful to entertain the idea that maybe what you really want is right in front of you. Maybe you are using this desire you can't fulfill to distract you from truly engaging the blessings you already have. It may seem like that doesn't make sense, yet we do it all the time. It may be easier to see in other people than to see it in ourselves. We have all heard our friends wishing they were more this or less that, and looking at them we see clearly that they are everything they are wishing they were. We know people who have wonderful partners and yet envy you yours. We wish we could give these people a look at their situations from our perspective so that they could see that what they want really is right in front of them.

It's not too far-fetched to consider that we might be victims of the same folly. It can be scary to have what we want. We get caught up in the chase and forget to enjoy the beauty right in front of us-like a child who never wants the toy she has in her hand but always the one just out of her reach. Take a moment today to consider the many things you are holding in the palm of your hand and how you might best play with them.

January 26, 2007
Unexpected Enlightenment
You Never Know Who You'll Meet

Our individual journeys take us into many unexpected situations where we encounter a wide variety of people-some quite like ourselves and some very different. We cannot anticipate these meetings, but we can make the most of them when they take place. When we are courteous as a matter of course and open-minded in our assessment of the individuals whose lives briefly touch our own, we are more apt to stumble upon surprising gems of wisdom that open our eyes to new worlds of possibility. Every person we meet can affect us profoundly, just as every situation we find ourselves in can teach us something new.

To fully embrace this fact, it is essential that we acknowledge that everyone is valuable in their own way and capable of expanding our horizons. Since we never know when we will happen upon those individuals who will unveil truths before us, we should extend to all people the same generous level of kindness, care, compassion, and understanding. When we assume everyone we meet is special and treat them as such, we can develop a strong rapport quickly. By making an effort to adopt a positive attitude toward others at all times, we ensure that our emotions do not blind us to wisdom that may be lurking in difficult or distressing situations. We are accordingly receptive to knowledge that comes to us in the form of examples, advice, and direct teaching.

These brief relationships ultimately have the potential to enrich our lives in a very concrete way. But the wisdom we gain is proportional to the attention we pay to the world around us. The responsibility is on us to maintain a state of awareness that allows us to recognize when we are in the presence of someone consciously or unconsciously in possession of knowledge that will change us significantly. When we are cognizant of the potential for unexpected enlightenment, we make a habit of turning strangers into friends, thus ensuring that we are never without a font of wisdom from which to draw.

Anemone center

Anemone center
Originally uploaded by David Lev.

Monday, January 29, 2007

goodnight wishes. goodnight sleep

I have traveled far, these twenty years and six, and have arrived where I am now. The Lion Hunter. Chasing down the Sun. Calling out His Name. I speak not sense, the Truth. What cannot be proven but is Known. My ways as skeptic, Doubting Thomas, have proven futile. When I know my nature. I know my true purpose. Music maker, siren, artist, oracle, scribe. Let me be kept in perfect safety. Let all those who know me, respect me, my insights, though at times they may appear to be balderdash. I must remember and hold in high esteem, My Purpose, the Right Way, the Goodness I know is righteous. Love. Kindness. Patience. Forgiveness. Blessings on this earth. Blessings on this house. Blessings. I have been kept, protected, shielded for this purpose. To go forth and be an example of strength, temperance and grace.

Learning, remembering, holding me dear to me as I do my child. You will all be safe and protected my loves. My children. Christopher, will have a beautiful day. Beautiful one, I will see you so very soon! There are so many good influcences which will come to protect you. They are there even now looking out for you. Blessed daughters. Blessed baby. Brilliant open love. Big hearted beauty. It will all be perfect if you only BELIEVE.

Relax the tension. Release the stress. Slow down. Take your time. For it is YOUR TIME. This is when Joy is discovered. When she rises from her deep and solemn slumber and remembers her true nature. Raises a sparkling hand to the sky and offers her gifts freely to the world.

Disarm them, Joy, with your Smile.


Originally uploaded by NaturesPixel.

look at this!

father's service

wonderful hooded creature. like another angel i know...

father's service
Originally uploaded by stoneth.

(homeless self described minister, sf, 12/13/06)

the hounds are muscular and move with purpose. leashed; they seem to propel him. he is thin; he drifts and jerks. his movement is some witness of a condition that brings him an ssi check each month. he's off to a cannabis club for treatment. he's just been panhandling downtown.

he lives camped out at sunset beach some 6 miles from where we stand downtown. he says he's a minister for the "whole earth church of christ." i ask him where that is. he steps back, raises his hands: "you're looking at it."

says he doesn't preach much; he just tries to help the people he comes across. says people need help; it's hard "out here."

says "i've been in father's service for quite some time now."

("news" about shows etc.)

okay then...

The Source

Seal of Solomon

In Medieval Jewish, Islamic and Christian legends, the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring said to have been possessed by King Solomon, which variously gave him the power to command demons (or jinni), or to speak with animals. In one of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, an evil djinn is described as being imprisoned in a copper bottle for 1,800 years by a lead seal stamped by the ring. Other, later books (Pseudomonarchia Daemonum) manage to fit far more demons in the bottle.

One simple form of the Seal
One simple form of the Seal

In some versions of the story, the ring was made of brass and iron, carved with the Name of God, and set with four jewels. In later versions the ring simply bore the symbol now called the Star of David (hexagram), often within a circle, usually with the two triangles interlaced (hence chiral) rather than intersecting. Often the gaps are filled with dots or other symbols. Other versions have it as a pentagram or other more complicated figures. Works on demonology typically depict the pattern of the seal as being two concentric circles, with a number of mystical sigils between the inner and outer circles, and various more-or-less complex geometric shapes within the inner circle.

In one Arabic story [1] it is claimed that the demon Sakhr deceived one of Solomon's wives into giving him the ring. Sakhr then ruled in his stead for forty days (or years, in some versions) while Solomon wandered the country in poverty. However eventually Sakhr threw the ring into the sea, where it was swallowed by a fish, caught by a fisherman, and served to Solomon. As punishment Sakhr was made to build a great mosque for Solomon.

However the earliest of such stories is dated to more than a thousand years after the time of Solomon, and the story of the fish, in particular, bears a strong resemblance to Herodotus' tale of Polycrates.

A new theory about what was actually the Seal of Solomon is to be found in the French book "Le Sceau de Salomon, secret perdu de la Bible" (The Seal of Solomon, lost key of the Bible) by Janik Pilet. According to him, it was a source for holy inspiration used by several authors of the Old and New Testaments, and its drawing is described in the first text in the Holy Bible i.e. the creation in six days. See [2]


In alchemy, the combination of the fire and water symbols (up and down triangles) is known as the Seal of Solomon. The symbol is representative of the combination of opposites and transmutation.

Iris Iridescence Butterfly Green Blue

Iridescence is an optical phenomenon characterized as the property of surfaces in which hue changes according to the angle from which the surface is viewed (as may be seen of soap bubbles and butterfly wings).

Iridescence is caused by multiple reflections from multi-layered, semi-transparent surfaces in which phase shift and interference of the reflections modulates the incident light (by amplifying or attenuating some frequencies more than others). This process is the functional analog of selective wavelength attenuation as seen with the Fabry-Pérot interferometer.

The word is derived in part from the Greek word iris (pl. irides), meaning "rainbow", which in turn derives from the goddess Iris of Greek mythology, who is the personification of the rainbow and acted as a messenger of the gods.

Because the apparent image changes with the angle of observation, iridescence is not reproduced by conventional still image photography; however, it can be reproduced by holography (which includes phase information).


Kokopelli is a fertility deity, usually depicted as a humpbacked flute player (often with a huge phallus and antenna-like protrusions on his head), who has been venerated by many Native American cultures in the Southwestern United States. Like most fertility deities, Kokopelli presides over both childbirth and agriculture. He is also a trickster god and represents the spirit of music.

Because of his influence over human sexuality, Kokopelli is often depicted with an inhumanly large phallus. Among the Ho-Chunk, this penis is detachable, and he sometimes leaves it in a river in order to have sex with girls who bathe there. Among the Hopi, Kokopelli carries unborn children on his back and distributes them to women (for this reason, young girls are often deathly afraid of him). He often takes part in rituals relating to marriage, and Kokopelli himself is sometimes depicted with a consort, a woman called Kokopelmana by the Hohokam and Hopi.[1]

Kokopelli also presides over the reproduction of game animals, and for this reason, he is often depicted with animal companions such as rams and deer. Other common creatures associated with him include sun-bathing animals such as snakes, or water-loving animals like lizards and insects. Because of this, some scholars believe that Kokopelli's flute is actually a blowgun (or started out as one), but this is a minority opinion.

In his domain over agriculture, Kokopelli's fluteplaying chases away the Winter and brings about Spring. Many tribes, such as the Zuni, also associate Kokopelli with the rains. He frequently appears with Paiyatamu, another flautist, in depictions of maize-grinding ceremonies. Some tribes say he carries seeds and babies on his back.

From approximately the 1990s onward, his image has appeared on neo-hippy artifacts such as clothing and amulets and as a tattoo, minus the extraordinarily large phallus.