Monday, November 16, 2009

channel warning against mars

Darling Joy,

Please do be careful with the company you keep and to those you allow into your precious psychic center. You need not hand over your power, your frequency, or confer dominance to just anyone who comes along and tells you a pretty thing or two. You must guard yourself carefully. You do not need to give love to everyone. You do not need to stay in a place of openness. Man forfeited his right to free and open love when he put a price on it and began trading it as a commodity. Women for a very long time have been bought and sold as reproductive entities and keepers of home and hearth. This was Her realm and Her beauty but man sullied it by making what was once a sacred art, a transaction. You chose to remove yourself from that market economy some time ago. Do not fall back into the mire because of a few lofty words. Words are empty and do not bear the weight of direct action.

The world is overpopulated, you already have a child. You are living on your own and are in control of your body, your mind, and your destiny. Hold onto that dearly because it is all that you have. Even now women are second citizens, the subjects of men. You, dear one, are too precious of a soul to be subject to anyone. Do not sacrifice your emotional center for anyone.

A. Aquarian

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