Friday, June 8, 2007


The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited part of yourself. It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.

Your main internal blockage is fear. It is said "Spiritual people should be happy", but you say to yourself, "Oh... I can't be happy because...(insert current fear-oriented excuse here!). Your fear keeps you from seeing the joy and happiness in your life.

The solution is for you to work on your eighth body and so become totally fearless in dealing with anything that life sends your way. Once you experience that you and God are one and the same, all fear departs.

If you connect yourself to your Soul, you will experience your Infinite Identity. Your highest identity lies in experiencing the Infinity within each finite thing, and sharing that experience with others. Your creative essence is to be a healer.

Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with others.

A Karma of 11 means that your Karma is set. All you have to do is just keep up and go through it gracefully. You feel that you have no mastery of the physical realm, and so you tend to worry about money, your physical looks, and things like that. You want the prettiest car and the prettiest clothes and tend to be quite concerned about how others see you.

Your test in this life is to master the physical realm and experience your own perfection. If you leave your neurotic self-identity, and establish your Infinite identity, then you will KNOW your own Divinity and Royalty, and so you will drive the prettiest car and wear the prettiest clothes not because of what others think of you, but because you have the highest opinion of YOURSELF. The solution is to remember the Infinity in the midst of all life situations.

This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!

The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.

Your gift is Fearlessness.

This gift will give you the ability to plan ahead and to help others to get ahead as well. It will enable you to serve many people because it brings with it boundless energy. Your gift will allow you to keep up through every obstacle of life and never quit.

If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, nothing can ever stop you from achieving your goals. The more you work on yourself, the more your gift will manifest.

The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of others, not through your own eyes.

People tend to see you as someone who is very competent and masterful in every situation. You find it easy to learn new systems and things very quickly because you have worked on mastering things for many lifetimes.

Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all else will work out naturally.

The key to the fulfillment of your destiny in this lifetime is for you to live in a state of absolute royal courage and radiance! It is through your fearlessness, radiance and projection that others will be inspired to the divinity within themselves and you yourself will thereby become fulfilled.

Find yours here.

1 comment:

flying eagle woman said...

The key to the fulfillment of your destiny in this lifetime is for you to live in a state of absolute royal courage and radiance! It is through your fearlessness, radiance and projection that others will be inspired to the divinity within themselves and you yourself will thereby become fulfilled.