Monday, April 2, 2007


through the open window i find a door.
and there a hunt for a light switch in a room with wood paneling
a silver tea set.
my uncle's tractor.
i've seen this before.
i've known us before.
the inn by the roadside
lobster and telephone booths.
can you take this walk with me
our daughter's heart fills my reverie

sand dollars and the tide returns
fills the car
someone is listening

walk this waking
each breath i know you
and remember again
what i knew before.

and that which i do not understand now
will become clear in time
a tigresse
somewhat set in confusion

clearly ride out illusions
want my walks want
clearly my path
knows what is right

nose twitches
several severance riches
a talk, a moment, hold the tongue which maims
a body of work lain
light of my life lead on

a quiet walk, verite
sublime wonder

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